Donate To This Ministry
All gifts to this ministry are tax deductible. Walking In The Promises is a non-profit support based ministry. From the very beginning God has made our Bible teaching outreach possible through the generosity of His people. If you are interested in impacting lives for eternity through the Bible teaching ministry of Walking In The Promises, you may do so by becoming a monthly ministry partner or giving a one-time gift.
When you give, we ask that you do so according to how you have joyfully purposed in your heart before the Lord—and not under compulsion. We have found that this is the key to joyful giving (2 Corinthians 9:7). Our financial partners make it possible for us to carry out the teaching of the word of God as a ministry of grace. We are eternally grateful to God for you all! God bless you!
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Philosophy of Giving & Spending: Living By Our Name
The name of our ministry “Walking In The Promises” is a constant reminder to us of our call to walk by faith in the manifold and precious assurances of God. Among the Lord’s many gracious promises are those that speak of His abundant provision.
For example, Paul reminded his beloved Philippians that God would take care of their needs according to the supply of His inexhaustible riches; “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:19).
We at Walking In The Promises can attest to the veracity of that precious pledge. We believe God encourages us to trust boldly in His ability to supply our ministry needs. As always we are committed to live within our means, while at the same time we are compelled to walk by faith in the Lord, and through new doors of ministry He opens. With that truth fixed in our mind, there are two cardinal principles that help guide our ministry finances.
The first is, No Red Ink! – We have a fundamental commitment to avoid debt! We love the color red in a bouquet of roses, but not on a spreadsheet. Our ministry has no indebtedness which allows us to invest your gifts (monthly and one-time) in actual ministry rather than using God’s resources to service debt.
Secondly, we resolutely trust God to grow our ministry. While we are committed to stay debt free, we are just as determined, by God’s grace, to enlarge our horizon. That is not a contradiction. We continue to experience open doors for ministry that require us to trust in the Lord to provide. Consequently, while we live within our budget every year, we trust God to expand our ministry and to provide for new opportunities. We believe that’s a faith to grow on!
These two rails have guided us through several financial challenges over the years, especially during the difficult economic times of recent history. Every year our ministry opportunities create a greater need than our monthly giving can meet. Yet God has never failed to provide for the growth He has caused, and we look forward to this trend continuing. Although the Lord may decide to trim our expectations, so far it has pleased Him to broaden our service for Christ. Every year He has supplied our growing needs through our monthly partners, and also through the special one-time gifts of many ministry friends.
We earnestly pray that many of you will consider giving a special one-time gift to fuel the torch of this Bible teaching ministry. Help us unleash the glory of God’s word wherever the Lord leads us.
We are committed to shining the light of God’s life changing truth on the path of God’s people (Psalm 119:105), and to proclaim the light of the gospel in the murky twilight of this perishing world (John 12:46). Thank you for standing with us. Soli Deo Gloria!